Thursday, June 21, 2007

Time for a slogan

We are working very hard to get this organization up the ground and running. It is about time that we have a slogan.

According to, a slogan is

  • a word or phrase used to express a characteristic position or stand or a goal to be achieved
  • a brief attention-getting phrase used in advertising or promotion

So that is what we are trying to accomplish... We have come up with an initial list of ideas. Which one do you like? Choose one or create one of your own… Leave a comment at our blog, respond through our mailing list, or drop me an email……..

  1. Take a Break, Learn to Meditate
  2. Relax, Sit and Do Nothing!
  3. Health Body, Clear Mind- Learn to Meditate
  4. Open Heart & Clear Mind
  5. Learn How to Tame the Monkey Mind
  6. Fitting the Universe in a Grain of Sand
  7. Seeing the World Within
  8. Discover Yourself Within

Let's hear from you!


Anonymous said...

I like to learn how to tame a monkey mind.

Anonymous said...

The web page is very nice, peaceful. It is not clear that a slogan fits your organization and your goals. A slogan is for quick, fast short-term, knee-jerk results. That does not seem to match the meditative, reflective approach of your organization.

Anonymous said...

I am attracted to “learn how to tame the Monkey Mind” but I’m not sure that that phrase communicates what you might want it to and it doesn’t really fit the ABS reference. However, I like it because it makes me wonder about what a Monkey Mind is and how do you go about taming such a thing.

Xiao said...

I dislike "learn how to tame a monkey mind" most at the first sight. It doesn't accomodate diversified cultures.
As a beginner in meditation and buddhism, I would understand the connection and goals of them as "Body, Mind and Spirit: 3 in 1", or "The Power of Mind". That could be a starting point...
I agree with your points, Georgette.

Trinidad Hernandez said...

i like "take a break, learn to meditate". among the list of proposed slogans, i think this slogan best represents meditation as a respite/healthy practice as well as a practice that anyone can learn to do. i'm in education, so i like the focus on learning...

Jeannette said...

I like the phrase "Clear mind, open heart." Because this is for students, I think the mind should come first as an appeal to their vocations as learners. And the "Open heart" is also very important, because to be in a learning community one needs an open heart.