Saturday, June 9, 2007

online discussion group is created

This morning, we setup a UH-ABS Google Group and it will be our online social place for dialogue and idea exchange. This is exciting!!!

For those who have accepted our invitation to join the group, thank you.

For first-time visitors, you are welcome to be part of our family.

We have also sent out invitations to people who attended our last year’s welcome party.

Hope you will join our group since we have many exciting programs in planning just for you --- social events such as BBQ, retreats, interactive dharma discussions, meditation and more. Stay tuned!


Buddhist Meditation in America said...

How do one go about adding discussion items?

grace said...

there are 2 ways:
1. send an email to The email subject becomes the discussion subject


2. visit and under "discussions" click on "new posts"

you need to be a member to post even though everyone can read postings