Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Welcome fellow yogis!

We made an announcement about our weekly meditation at today’s yoga class (held at the recreation center). The message was well received and many people have gotten our business cards.

Like we said in the announcement, everyone wants peace, harmony, and happiness, regardless of their faith, race, age, gender, etc. A purified mind is the key to the heaven within and mediation is the process to purify our mind. Meditation can help us find the inner peace, harmony and happiness. Once we are balanced inside, we will be able to have a balanced relationship with everything outside – people, things, etc.

Come join us for our weekly meditation starting August 29th. No prior experience is required and people with all faiths are welcomed. Come even if you are just curious!

Time: Wednesdays, noon – 1:00 pm
Place: UC Lone Star Room (280)

We have been requesting evening classes. If there is enough demand, we will do whatever we can to make it happen. Keep your suggestions coming; this is the only way we can cater the best service to you! Let’s hear from you.

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