Thursday, October 11, 2007

Religious Awareness Week with FREE lunches

Time: each day at noon, Monday through Friday October 15-19, 2007

Lunch: Free lunch is served everyday by a different ministry

Location: Religion Center

What: listen and share one’s religious experience and beliefs in a positive, personal way. Learn how to listen and converse constructively with those whoes beliefs or experiences are very different.

Who: everyone is invited. We are not asking for ‘official teachings’ - knowing that those from the same faith family often differ greatly – we are asking for the students to engage one another on the level of their own faith, understands, and experience – and do more listening than talking.

How: students will be invited to seat themselves at religiously mixed tables. The question for each day will take the form: “In your understanding and experience, what does your religious tradition teach about………. And how is it lived out?”

Monday - Love
Tuesday – Justice
Wednesday - Forgiveness
Thursday – Peace
Friday – Right and Wrong

If your time permits, we need Buddhist students to participate and share your experience.

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