Friday, June 8, 2007

Activities are beginning to line up

Here are some of our initial plans... More details to come. Leave us a comment and let us know what you think....

  1. Meditation at noon (time and place TBA).
  2. Buddhism in Plain English (time and place TBA).
  3. Welcome party Saturday 8/18 evening (6:00 - 8:00 pm, Farish Hall 1st floor). Come for free food, books, dharma talks and more. A great way to kick start a wonderful semester!
  4. Free weekend treats: Thanksgiving weekend and the weekend after final exam (Eligibility: attended at least 5 meditations or Dharma discussions). Free lodging, food, transportation. Activities include dharma talks, games, vegetarian BBQ, meditation. Location to be decided.


Buddhist Meditation in America said...

Great program.

When does the meditation classes starts?

grace said...

Josten, thanks for your question. All activities are planned for the fall. However, if there is enough interest, we certainly can start--sort of a test run-- in the summer too...Let's hear from you!